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How Does iLIGHT Treat Dry Eye?

July 11, 2024

Do you suffer from dry, itchy, or uncomfortable eyes? You're not alone.

Dry eye syndrome affects millions of people worldwide and is one of the most common reasons for visits to the eye doctor. While there are many treatments available, from eye drops to warm compresses, sometimes these aren't enough to provide relief.

That's where iLIGHT comes in. This cutting-edge treatment uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to stimulate tear production and reduce inflammation.

Keep reading to learn more about dry eye and how iLIGHT can help improve symptoms!

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a common eye condition that affects millions of people and is one of the main reasons many people visit the eye doctor. It occurs when tears are no longer able to provide enough lubrication for your eyes, leaving your eyes feeling dry and uncomfortable.

Symptoms range from mild or occasional irritation to pain. A healthy eye produces enough tears to spread across the surface of the cornea when someone blinks.

Those tears also wash away foreign matter and reduce the risk of infection. Some people with dry eye syndrome do not produce enough good quality tears, or they do not produce enough tears.

If you are experiencing these symptoms or are worried about dry eye syndrome, it is important to visit an eye doctor for an eye exam right away.

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How Will I Know If I Have Dry Eye Syndrome? 

Symptoms vary from person to person. However, the most common indicators of dry eye syndrome are when a person's eyes feel uncomfortable or if they sting, burn, or itch.

Additional symptoms can include redness, sensitivity to light, watery eyes or mucus around the eyes, difficulty wearing contact lenses, eye fatigue, 
difficulty driving at night, or the feeling of having something in your eyes. 

What Causes Dry Eye Syndrome? 

There are many causes of dry eye syndrome, which can be more common in women because of hormonal changes. But some of the most common causes include allergies, smoking, medications that cause drying symptoms, too much screen time, wearing the wrong contact lenses, wearing lenses too long, or sleeping in them.

You are more likely to develop dry eye syndrome as you age. Your eye doctor at Arlington Eye Center will determine the root cause of your dry eye symptoms in order to develop a treatment plan.

When Should I Go to the Eye Doctor?

If you're experiencing dry eye symptoms for a prolonged period of time without relief, you need to make an appointment with your eye doctor. One factor causing dry eyes may be because you may not be producing enough tears.

Because of aging, your eyes may not be able to produce enough aqueous fluid to keep your eyes lubricated. Certain medications, including high blood pressure medication, birth control, and antidepressants, can contribute to this, as can thyroid disorders or a lack of Vitamin A.

One of the most common causes of a lack of lubrication is if your eye glands, the meibomian glands, are blocked. That's why it's important to have an experienced physician from Arlington Eye Center give you an eye examination to diagnose your dry eye syndrome and help you find the right treatment.

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What Are the Most Common Treatments for Dry Eye Syndrome? 

Warm compresses and moisturizing eye drops are the most common treatment for dry eyes, but sometimes those treatments aren't enough. Doctors may also recommend tear conservation by plugging the tear ducts with devices called punctal plugs, which allow tears to stay in the eye longer, relieving the dry eye symptoms.

Sometimes, eye doctors will prescribe an omega-3 fatty acid vitamin supplement regimen, which can, over time, help your eye produce healthier tears. However, sometimes these treatments still do not provide enough relief.

At Arlington Eye Center, we are proud to be able to offer our patients an effective, scientifically-proven treatment called iLight IPL. IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light and is a type of light treatment that uses strong pulses to stimulate your glands and unblock them to produce more tears. 

How Does iLIGHT IPL work for dry eyes? 

iLIGHT IPL, which is a cutting edge scientific treatment,  works in two important ways to alleviate dry eye symptoms. It reduces inflammation and blockage in the meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing tears.
If these glands are irritated, inflamed, or blocked, they can't produce enough of the oily substance in tears to keep the tears from evaporating too quickly. 

In addition, IPL treats abnormal blood vessels on the surface of the eye that may produce inflammation that contribute to eye dryness and discomfort. 

What Can I Expect During an iLIGHT Treatment? 

After an eye examination and diagnosis, you may be prescribed a series of four to six treatments, depending on the severity of the dry eye condition. It is important to schedule a six to twelve-month follow-up appointment, and yearly maintenance afterwards.

Patients report feeling a difference right away, since the light pulses stimulate the production of tears and reduce symptoms almost immediately. The sensation of the IPL treatment has been compared to that of a flick by an elastic band, but our state-of-the-art machine works so quickly that the sensation is over before you know it. 

What Should I Do if I Think I Have Dry Eye Syndrome? 

If you are experiencing dry eye symptoms or are noticing vision changes that could be attributable to dry eye syndrome, it is important that you see an eye doctor as soon as possible to avoid long-term eye damage. Your eye doctor at Arlington Eye Center is experienced in diagnosing and treating dry eyes and can work with you to determine the causes of your dry eye and see if treatment with the iLight IPL could be right for you. 

Do you want to learn more about iLIGHT or get to the bottom of your symptoms? Schedule an appointment at Arlington Eye Center in Arlington, VA, today!